Trump voters and foes can seek common ground on life: Response to Buono

Some people might have a sincere reason to oppose abortion, but they should not overlook the lives that President Trump's policies put at risk.

Andrew Redlawsk
Opinion contributor
Protest in Chicago on March 16, 2017.

Democratic organizer and activist Andrew Redlawsk wrote a column for USA TODAY arguing that progressives need to listen to and engage with Trump voters in order to get the country back on the right path. In an effort to advance that dialog, we asked Notre Dame senior Sophia Buono, a USA TODAY opinion intern and Trump voter, to reply to his views. Redlawsk continues the conversation below:

I appreciate Ms. Buono's response, and that her perspective is grounded in deeply held beliefs. I'm typically hesitant to delve into the abortion debate because I believe the argument is better and more credibly made by my female colleagues, for whom this debate is much more personal and immediate. It is also the type of position that no debate is likely to change. Most often, this is a moral, religiously based conviction, and the fact that I have a different view based in scientific consensus isn't a convincing argument.

Because of that, this response won't be an attack on Ms. Buono's position on abortion. Instead, I'd like to focus on the point she made about not voting for any candidate who advocates a position that directly results in loss of innocent, defenseless human life. I can't help but immediately think of the current health care bill in the Senate that will directly cause walking, talking, laughing, fully-developed humans to die. No one chooses to get cancer. No one chooses to be born with a pre-existing condition. Yet this bill puts those people at risk. The cuts to Medicaid alone would be disastrous to our elderly and poor communities. Regardless of whether or not the ACA is broken, the analysis is clear: the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) will cost human lives, and President Trump supports it.

But it's not just healthcare. Trump's newly affirmed travel ban (now more of a refugee ban) has likely cost lives as well. Even if we were to agree that a four-week-old fetus is a human life, why is that human life more important than the life of a refugee fleeing civil war and death in the Middle East? To me, it’s about consistency. If we aren't protecting the people in this country (and world) who are already living, breathing members of society — with husbands, wives, and children — how can we justify making a presidential vote based on the lives of fetuses that wouldn't even be able to survive outside of the womb? Throughout the race, Trump advocated, and still advocates, positions that directly cost helpless, innocent lives. Why are only some lives worth protecting? To vote based on the underlying tenants of the abortion debate — protecting the most vulnerable and voiceless — is something I can understand and appreciate. To support this particular candidate using that criteria, however, is much tougher for me.

As Ms. Buono pointed out, Trump is hardly an “infallible crusader for life.” In fact, President Trump was pro-choice for many, many years until the political winds changed and he stood to benefit from becoming a pro-life Republican. Does anyone truly believe he had an authentic change of heart, or is it more likely he was just being the same expedient businessman he's always been — someone who will say or do anything so long as it gives him more fame and more power? Were the political winds to shift, it wouldn't surprise me to see his position — once again — shift as well.

To win in Trump era, liberals must first listen to his voters

I voted for Donald Trump to save lives: Response to Redlawsk

I want to reiterate to Ms. Buono that I respect her position on abortion, and I thank her for taking the time to respond. Her arguments in defense of her views on abortion, independent of Trump, are compelling. I've been actively trying to really hear more Trump voters. That doesn't mean I won't debate, and it doesn't mean things can't get contentious at times, but we've got to find common ground for the sake of the country. I'm going to continue to defend a woman's right to control her body, and I'm sure Ms. Buono will continue to hold her view. However, I think there is a way she and I can both be consistent in our beliefs, and I think it lies in fighting for the rights of all marginalized communities, whose voices still are not heard in this country. We may not agree on abortion, but we may on Medicaid. We may on refugees. We won't know, however, if we don't communicate. By opening the door to respectful debate, we give ourselves opportunities to find the common ground we so desperately need. I'm thankful for the opportunity.

Andrew Redlawsk is a Democratic organizer and activist and is currently pursuing his Masters in Political Management at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Read his original column here. Read Sophia Buono's response here.

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