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Trump on Judge Curiel: He's 'very pro-Mexico'

Eliza Collins
In this photo taken June 2, 2016, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pauses during a rally in San Jose, Calif.

Donald Trump isn’t backing down on his criticism of the judge involved in his Trump University court case despite pleas from leaders in his own party.

Trump has said it’s a conflict of interest to have U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel handling his case because he is of Mexican descent. Curiel was born in the United States.

On Friday House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump Thursday, said Trump’s comments about Curiel were “out of left field.”

“It’s reasoning I don’t relate to. I completely disagree with the thinking behind that,” Ryan said in an interview with Milwaukee radio staton WISN. “And so, he clearly says and does things I don’t agree with, and I’ve had to speak up on time to time when that has occurred, and I’ll continue to do that if it’s necessary. I hope it’s not.”

But the criticism isn’t swaying Trump, who continued his attack in an interview with CNN Friday. He said that Curiel’s heritage meant he doesn't like Trump because the presumptive Republican nominee wants to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.

"I have had horrible rulings, I have been treated unfairly by this judge," said Friday. "Now this judge is of Mexican heritage, I'm building a wall."

"He's a member of a society, where you know, very pro-Mexico and that's fine, it's all fine," Trump continued. "But I think he could recuse himself."

When Tapper brought up that Clinton had criticized his comments, Trump called her "a stiff." He also dismissed Ryan's knowledge of the case.

"Paul Ryan doesn't know the case," Trump said.

Trump also responded to Clinton’s foreign policy speech in the interview Thursday expressing concern that Trump would lead the U.S. into war because of his “thin skin.”

“I don’t have thin skin I have very strong, very thick skin,” Trump said. “I have a strong temperament. I have a temperament that's totally in control."

Trump also had a rally in Redding, Calif. Friday afternoon where he spent much of his time fighting back against Clinton's attacks and defending his donations to veterans.

At one point he said that Clinton would be worse than President Obama.

“If you choose Hillary Clinton, this country is gonna die," he said.